Winnipeg Physio Clinic To Offer Pediatric Pelvic Floor Services Starting in October


WINNIPEG, MB:  Fit4Life Physiotherapy, a Winnipeg-based wellness centre offering physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, and many other innovative treatments, is expanding its service offerings this October to include pediatric pelvic floor physiotherapy.  Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation is a specialized discipline that focuses on pelvic health.  In pediatric patients, pelvic floor work is primarily used to help […]

How To Choose A Physiotherapy Clinic

How to Choose Physiotherapy Clinic

Physiotherapists work in many different settings like hospitals, long-term care facilities, and clinic settings. There are so many options in Winnipeg. How do you choose the best provider for your needs? Below we have outlined 5 factors to help you pick the ideal Physiotherapy Clinic for yourself: 1) Experience and Expertise Physiotherapy is used to […]

Tips & Tricks to prevent injury this gardening season

Tips & Tricks to prevent injury this gardening season

Gardening shouldn’t hurt. However, it can be harmful to your body if not done with caution and concern. To prevent common gardening injuries, follow these tips & tricks: Start with a warm-up: March on the spot for 5 mins, walk to the mailbox, or start with easy raking to warm up your muscles. You should also […]

How Acupuncture Works For Pain

How Acupuncture Works For Pain

Acupuncture is an excellent adjunct to Physiotherapy. It’s like another tool in our toolbox.” says Tori, Physiotherapist.  It is the practice of treating conditions by stimulating certain areas of the skin with needles, which is highly effective in treating pain, among other things.  What Is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is an evidence-based medicine which has been around […]

Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction & Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

pelvic floor physiotherapy

Over the past decade, public awareness about pelvic floor health has increased significantly. Whereas the majority of patients might not have been familiar with pelvic floor health ten or twenty years ago, many patients today are actively seeking treatment for and education about pelvic floor issues. At Fit4Life Physiotherapy in Winnipeg, pelvic floor physiotherapy is […]

Groin Pulls

Groin Pulls

A groin pull or strain happens when there is too much stress on muscles in your inner thigh. If these muscles are contracted too forcefully or too suddenly, they can get overstretched or torn. Groin pulls are common in people who play sports that require a lot of running and jumping. Suddenly jumping or changing […]

Health Benefits Of Just 30 Minutes Of Activity Per Day!

Health Benefits Of Just 30 Minutes Of Activity Per Day!

There are so many benefits to exercising—even as little as 30 minutes a day! Regular exercise is one of the most important things you can do to optimize your health.  Being active can improve your brain health, weight, disease risk, bone strength, sleep, and more. Brain (Cognitive) Health Benefits can happen right after moderate physical […]

How Does Physiotherapy Improve Chronic Pain?

How Does Physiotherapy Improve Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is a condition that occurs when the brain perceives a threat to a person’s well-being based on the many signals received from the body. This condition can and does often occur independently of any actual body tissue damage (due to injury or illness) and beyond normal tissue healing time. Pain is an unpleasant […]

Winnipeg Physio Clinic To Expand Pelvic Floor Therapy Treatment Options


WINNIPEG, MB:  Fit4Life Physiotherapy, a Henderson Highway wellness centre offering premier physiotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, dry needling, and custom foot orthotics services, is poised to expand its Pelvic Floor Therapy treatment options.  Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy is an increasingly popular treatment targeting pelvic health concerns in women, men, and children.   When Tori Sloane founded Fit4Life Physiotherapy […]

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