A Physiotherapist from our Winnipeg physiotherapy clinic will perform a thorough gait analysis and assessment, as well as, cast a mould of your foot in a neutral position. These plaster casts are then shipped to Paris Orthotics where they will fabricate your individualized custom orthotics from the mould supplied. Essentially the orthotics work by bringing the ground up to your foot minimizing maligned joints and supporting the affected areas needed in a neutral position. These malalignments can cause our gait mechanics to put unnecessary stress on our joints and tissues thus causing pain into the feet, lower extremities, and even travelling up to the back.
Fit 4 Life can cast your feet for Custom Foot Orthotics for all types of footwear from runners and everyday shoes to dress shoes and even hockey/figure skates!
Orthotics FAQs
Do I need a Doctor’s referral for Custom Foot Orthotics?
Most Insurance Providers need a Physician’s referral with a diagnosis for approval of Custom Foot Orthotics. If you are paying privately there is no need for a Physician referral as our Physiotherapists do a thorough assessment and gait analysis to highlight the areas of importance in fabricating your Custom Orthotics.
Who would benefit from Custom Foot Orthotics?
Those experiencing pains with prolonged standing, walking, running, or any sporting activities. Orthotics are beneficial to those of all activity levels and ages. Your Custom Orthotics can fit into casual shoes, runners, work boots, skates and most dress shoes. Your skilled clinician will also educate you on proper footwear for your specific diagnosis.
What are common diagnoses that would benefit from Custom Foot Orthotics?
Custom Orthotics benefit many Orthopedic conditions. Many commons conditions include Plantar fasciitis, Hallux Valgus, Pes Planus, abnormal pronation or supination of the foot, Achilles tendonosis, plantar spurs, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Patellofemoral syndrome, chronic low back pain, shin splints, metatarsalgia and many more!
Custom Foot Orthotics Pricing (No GST/PST)
*Total fee includes a pair of Custom Orthotics, Biomechanical Gait Analysis, and Casting fee.
**GSt and pst are added to custom orthotics insoles