Ankle Sprains

Ankle Sprain

What Is an Ankle Sprain? An ankle sprain occurs when an ankle rolls, turns, or twists in a way it isn’t meant to. This can stretch or tear the ligaments. Ligaments are tissues that attach bone to other bones, keeping our joints stable.  Most injuries, known as lateral ankle sprains, occur on the outside of […]

Fall Prevention

Fall Prevention

The warmer winter weather is great; however, when it comes to the milder temperatures around zero degrees, icy walkways can become a huge concern. We are all at risk of falling, but this is especially so for older adults. Falls can cause serious injuries that could affect your quality of life now and in the […]

Interesting Facts About Muscle Recovery

Shot of sporty young woman drinking water while doing pilates exercises on the gym.

Feel the burn? Yes, this needs to happen to stimulate muscle growth. What happens is you are initiating a microtrauma (minor damage) to the muscles. This prompts your body to build up this muscle to meet the demands of the exercise. Muscle recovery, unfortunately, comes with muscle pain. The muscle pain that is associated with […]

Deanna Pesun

Deanna Pesun

Deanna Pesun, MSc, B.Kin- AT, CAT(C) Deanna’s interest in the injury rehabilitation process blossomed during her time as a competitive dancer. Rounding out her educational journey, she proudly graduated from the University of Manitoba in 2020, having completed her Bachelor of Kinesiology with a specialization in Athletic Therapy. During her time in the program, she […]

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